Thursday, August 9, 2012

ALEC Aggie Reps ‘12

The Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communications (ALEC) Aggie Reps main responsibility is to meet with prospective students and their families at different recruiting events in order to tell them more about our department and our four majors. Besides recruiting, Aggie Reps focus on improving faculty-student relations and creating a positive image of our department across campus and the community. The ALEC Aggie Reps, like many other student organizations, choose to participate in service events that fuel our passions. Farmers Fight is appealing to students in our organization because we understand that we are the voice of agriculture. Our four majors produce journalists, broadcasters, teachers, salesman, marketing and advertising professionals, as well as graduates with countless other proficiencies and interests.

Due to the wide range of professions ALEC graduates seek, the Aggie Reps understand our need for AgVocacy! Why wouldn’t we embark on this opportunity to educate those around us? We are sending graduates to countless career fields all over the state of Texas, the United States, and some even begin their “real world” lives in countries on complete opposite ends of the world. It is up to us to tell the story of agriculture. Even if our students have no former background in agriculture, they understand the importance of producing safe, nutritious food for the world, committing to technological advances, and the economic value of agriculture, conserving natural resources, and educating the general public about various sectors of agriculture. As our world’s population increases, our farms and ranch land decrease – this is not just a danger to our food supply; this is a danger to our daily lives and to our well being.

The ALEC Aggie Reps Farmers Fight AgVocacy Team feels that it is important that those with no former background in agriculture understand how we are all “connected” to agriculture and the hard work of ranchers and farmers. Our most basic needs can be traced back to the cotton fields of Texas or the dairy farms of California. Our desire to enjoy nature and our natural resources is also directly tied to the efforts of agriculturists understanding the importance of sustainability throughout America and the world.

Our challenge to you as a consumer is to document your every action in a single day and attempt to find just ONE thing that does not tie back to agricultural efforts. If you have questions about a product or action, feel free to leave a comment.