About Farmers Fight

April 12, 2012 was a day for the history books at Texas A&M University as Farmer’s Fight brought the agriculture student body together to tell agriculture’s story, encourage consumers to ask where their food comes from and give students, faculty, public officials, farmers and ranchers an opportunity to become “agvocates” for the agriculture community.

Though our initial community and campus outreach events have passed with success, we know that our job is not yet over. Agricultural advocates have been working effortlessly to make Farmers Fight bigger and better than ever before by adding new dimensions to the movement including a national advocacy conference to be hosted in College Station, TX in October 2013. We will, again, launch community and campuswide outreach efforts including a campus connection event on April 11, 2013 where Texas A&M University students will "Get the 4-1-1 on Agriculture." We have a lot of plans up our sleeve, but our efforts will be minimal without your help.
We are striving to teach everyone how to care for animals and the land along with the importance of producing safe, nutritious food for the world.
For too long we’ve let others tell our story, and they haven’t told it very truthfully. It’s time for us, as students and advocates of agriculture, to step up and let the world know what great people farmers and ranchers are!

We hope you will join our efforts!

Contact farmersfight.tamu@gmail.com for more information.

Blog editor: Mollie Lastovica, Farmers Fight Communications Lead Advocate

Check out more about our blog writers here.


  1. Way to go! I know Mason will do well!

  2. Hey, just came across your blog through 'I Love Farmer's They Feed My Soul' at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. Awesome job, love the video! My little sister just got accepted to A&M in the fall too so we are doubly excited.

    I helped found a company called Horsepower.com. Essentially it is an online farmer's market that helps farmers connect directly to consumers. If you guys want to chat more we'd love to see how we can work together. landon.friend@horsepower.com
