Agriculture Science Teachers, FAST, is an organization that prepares students with a planned career in
teaching Agricultural Science for their future. Through many social events and
leadership opportunities, members gain social skills and networking ability.
FAST members can participate in Texas FFA judging contests such as Dairy,
Horticulture, Ag Mechanics, and many more to gain knowledge on how the events
are organized.
FAST believes
AgVocacy is greatly needed and is relevant to this organization because the
members are the next generation of Agriculture leaders for students in FFA.
FAST members have the opportunity to influence kids to take a stand and
represent Agriculture through the way that we teach, act, and represent our FFA
Chapters in our future careers. We have the unique opportunity to be directly
involved in kids’ lives and to inspire each and every one of them to become an
AgVocate and to be involved in Agriculture. Through our participation in
Farmers Fight on April 12, 2012, we believe we inspired people on campus to
rethink what has been heard by false sources about Agriculture and instead
think about how much Agriculture affects every one’s life. At our booth, our
theme was “ARE YOU SMARTER THAN AN AG STUDENT?” which was inspired by the T.V.
show “ARE YOU SMARTER THAN A 5TH GRADER?” We would ask people
passing by to play in which we would ask them an Agriculture related question
and participants received candy with an Ag Fact taped on the candy.
Participants that got their questions right recieved the satisfaction of
knowing that they are smarter than an Ag student for that day. Whether you are
smarter than an Ag student or not, we all have a greater challenge ahead of us
in feeding a world with an ever growing population. So “Stand Up” and become an
AgVocate and do your part to protect the need that affects everyone which is Agriculture.
Blog writer: Tanner